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 At Global Eco Army, we know that learning to care for the Environment starts at a very young age. Therefore, we know the importance of engaging children of all ages in joining us in our Plant A Tree Day, Recycle Day and Litter Pickup Day.

Programele noastre

COMPANIILE PRIETENE VERZI sunt binevenite să doneze timp, bani sau ambele pentru a sponsoriza o activitate ecologică în comunitatea lor locală cu scopul de a conștientiza importanța conservării mediului. Prin acest fel de faptă, compania Sponsor va fi afișată pe site-ul nostru ca o Companie Eco Friendly și va beneficia de increased-781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_increased-781905-136bad5cf58d_increased-781905-581900_05-1958-05-05-1900-000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_from GREEN CLIENȚI PRIETENI._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-13194-bb3b-1394-3194-bb3b-1394-136-b3b-cf58-b3b3b3b3b3b3b3b3b3b3b3b3b3b3b3b3b3b4b

Armata Ecologică Globală


197 de țări sunt obligate să plaseze un procent egal din PIB-ul lor către un Fond Global pentru Conservarea Mediului. 

Fondurile sunt plătite după cum este necesar pentru a atenua problemele legate de poluarea apei, aerului și solului în întreaga lume.

Young Explorers 


La Global Eco Army, știm că învățarea să aibă grijă de mediu începe de la o vârstă foarte fragedă. Prin urmare, știm importanța angajării copiilor de toate vârstele să ni se alăture în Ziua Plantării unui copac, Ziua reciclării și Ziua ridicării gunoiului.

Cartografierea lumii


Global Eco Army este conștientă de faptul că anumite țări poluează mai mult decât altele. Cu toate acestea, toți trăim pe aceeași Planetă și trebuie să găsim soluții comune pentru toate problemele de mediu ale lumii. Fiecare țară are o expertiză unică care așteaptă să fie valorificată!

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Global Eco Army & Global Eco Air Force - Earth Day Aerial Drone Video - April 22, 2023

Global Eco Army & Global Eco Air Force - Earth Day Aerial Drone Video - April 22, 2023

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The Fresh Market Planting Trees with Global Eco Army on Earth Day - April 22, 2023

The Fresh Market Planting Trees with Global Eco Army on Earth Day - April 22, 2023

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Socially Funded Planting Trees with Global Eco Army on Earth Day - April 22, 2023

Socially Funded Planting Trees with Global Eco Army on Earth Day - April 22, 2023

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Glenn Mitchell State Farm Ins Planting Trees with Global Eco Army on Earth Day - April 22, 2023

Glenn Mitchell State Farm Ins Planting Trees with Global Eco Army on Earth Day - April 22, 2023

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Global Eco Army and Global Eco Air Force Interviews on Earth Day - April 22 2023

Global Eco Army and Global Eco Air Force Interviews on Earth Day - April 22 2023

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Global Eco Army / Global Eco Air Force Earth Day Celebration - April 22, 2023, DRONE VIDEO

Global Eco Army / Global Eco Air Force Earth Day Celebration - April 22, 2023, DRONE VIDEO

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Improving Aviation Planting Trees with Global Eco Army on Earth Day - April 22, 2023

Improving Aviation Planting Trees with Global Eco Army on Earth Day - April 22, 2023

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Home Depot Planting Trees with Global Eco Army on Earth Day - April 22, 2023

Home Depot Planting Trees with Global Eco Army on Earth Day - April 22, 2023

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Pearle Vision Planting Trees with Global Eco Army on Earth Day - April 22, 2023

Pearle Vision Planting Trees with Global Eco Army on Earth Day - April 22, 2023

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Starbucks Planting Trees with Global Eco Army on Earth Day - April 22, 2023

Starbucks Planting Trees with Global Eco Army on Earth Day - April 22, 2023

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Colors Photography Planting Trees with Global Eco Army on Earth Day - April 22, 2023

Colors Photography Planting Trees with Global Eco Army on Earth Day - April 22, 2023

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Outback Steakhouse Planting Trees with Global Eco Army on Earth Day - April 22, 2023

Outback Steakhouse Planting Trees with Global Eco Army on Earth Day - April 22, 2023

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Global Eco Army 3rd Year Anniversary on Valentine's Day at the Synapse Summit 2/14/2023

Global Eco Army 3rd Year Anniversary on Valentine's Day at the Synapse Summit 2/14/2023

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Global Eco Army and Greening Burundi on Earth Day April 22, 2021

Global Eco Army and Greening Burundi on Earth Day April 22, 2021

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Global Eco Army SAVED 4,000 Trees from being cut in the City of Clearwater.

Global Eco Army SAVED 4,000 Trees from being cut in the City of Clearwater.

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Alicia Valdes, CEO at Global Eco Army attending Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Swearing-In Ceremony

Alicia Valdes, CEO at Global Eco Army attending Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Swearing-In Ceremony

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Global Eco Army Holiday Tree Planting Day Sponsors and Raffle Winners December 17, 2022

Global Eco Army Holiday Tree Planting Day Sponsors and Raffle Winners December 17, 2022

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Global Eco Army International Tree Planting Day & Fundraiser - Holiday Season December 17, 2022

Global Eco Army International Tree Planting Day & Fundraiser - Holiday Season December 17, 2022

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Global Eco Army, Navy and Air Force TV Commercial

Global Eco Army, Navy and Air Force TV Commercial

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Global Eco Navy & Freedom Boat Club of Tampa Bay Clean the Hillsborough River for Earth Day - Part 2

Global Eco Navy & Freedom Boat Club of Tampa Bay Clean the Hillsborough River for Earth Day - Part 2

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Global Eco Navy & Freedom Boat Club of Tampa Bay clean the Hillsborough River for Earth Day - Part 1

Global Eco Navy & Freedom Boat Club of Tampa Bay clean the Hillsborough River for Earth Day - Part 1

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Global Eco Navy Cleans Hillsborough River for Earth Day April 21, 2022- Global Eco Marines Departure

Global Eco Navy Cleans Hillsborough River for Earth Day April 21, 2022- Global Eco Marines Departure

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Alicia Valdes w/Global Eco Navy Congratulated by Whit Remer Sustainability Officer by City of Tampa

Alicia Valdes w/Global Eco Navy Congratulated by Whit Remer Sustainability Officer by City of Tampa

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Global Eco Navy Congratulations by Whit Remer Sustainability Officer for the City of Tampa - Part 1

Global Eco Navy Congratulations by Whit Remer Sustainability Officer for the City of Tampa - Part 1

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Global Eco Navy Congratulations by Whit Remer Sustainability Officer for the City of Tampa - Part 2

Global Eco Navy Congratulations by Whit Remer Sustainability Officer for the City of Tampa - Part 2

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Global Eco Navy Congratulations by Whit Remer Sustainability Officer for the City of Tampa - Part 1

Global Eco Navy Congratulations by Whit Remer Sustainability Officer for the City of Tampa - Part 1

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Global Eco Army Planting Trees on Valentine's Day in Mexico - Part 2 Spanish Version

Global Eco Army Planting Trees on Valentine's Day in Mexico - Part 2 Spanish Version

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Global Eco Army Planting Trees on Valentine's Day in Mexico - Part 1 Spanish Version

Global Eco Army Planting Trees on Valentine's Day in Mexico - Part 1 Spanish Version

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Violinist Susana Szakacs performing at Global Eco Army's 2nd Year Anniversary on Valentine's Day

Violinist Susana Szakacs performing at Global Eco Army's 2nd Year Anniversary on Valentine's Day

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Alicia Valdes Interviewing Matt Stumpf on Valentine's Day

Alicia Valdes Interviewing Matt Stumpf on Valentine's Day

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Alicia Valdes Interviewing Joe Catania on Valentine's Day

Alicia Valdes Interviewing Joe Catania on Valentine's Day

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Alicia Valdes Interviewing Colleen Farrell on Valentine's Day

Alicia Valdes Interviewing Colleen Farrell on Valentine's Day

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Alicia Valdes Interviewing Sabrina Lyon on Valentine's Day

Alicia Valdes Interviewing Sabrina Lyon on Valentine's Day

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Alicia Valdes Interviewing Carly Puleo on Valentine's Day

Alicia Valdes Interviewing Carly Puleo on Valentine's Day

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Alicia Valdes Interviewing Cody Martin on Valentine's Day

Alicia Valdes Interviewing Cody Martin on Valentine's Day

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Alicia Valdes Interviewing Debra Hietala on Valentine's Day

Alicia Valdes Interviewing Debra Hietala on Valentine's Day

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Alicia Valdes agradece Soldados Ecologicos en Mexico for plantar arboles en Valentine's Day-Espanol

Alicia Valdes agradece Soldados Ecologicos en Mexico for plantar arboles en Valentine's Day-Espanol

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Alicia Valdes Thanks Global Eco-Soldiers in Mexico for Planting Trees on Valentine's Day in English

Alicia Valdes Thanks Global Eco-Soldiers in Mexico for Planting Trees on Valentine's Day in English

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Global Eco Army 2nd Year Anniversary Celebration on Valentine's Day 2022 -Silent Auction Photo Video

Global Eco Army 2nd Year Anniversary Celebration on Valentine's Day 2022 -Silent Auction Photo Video

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Global Eco Army Tree Planting and Holiday Fundraiser 2021   Event Sponsors

Global Eco Army Tree Planting and Holiday Fundraiser 2021 Event Sponsors

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